

(Adapted from Rutgers University)

许多大学生觉得他们找不到时间来保持自己的个人健康和健康,直到一场疾病或心理健康危机阻止了他们的发展. 在学业、工作和个人生活之间,学生们无疑是忙碌的! 世纪挑战集团提供了许多资源和活动,以帮助您的福祉的各个方面! 



大学生, 统计, suffer from higher rates of anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts/ideation. So, it is important to keep yourself happy and healthy. 
  • 知道9-8-8. If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, calling or texting 988 will provide advice from a crisis counselor. They are available 24/7, all days of the year. 
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. 许多人在寻求心理健康方面的帮助时感到尴尬或羞愧. But, many of the experiences are normal and treatable. You do not have to deal with it alone. 安排一个 免费的 appointment with our OPE电子竞技官网 Advocacy Counselors at any time. 
  • Keep in touch with family and friends. 你可以通过与那些对你最重要的人保持联系来战胜孤独. 
  • 建立新的友谊. Put yourself out there and meet new people whenever possible. 交朋友是需要时间的,所以如果不能马上交到朋友也不要灰心.
  • 期待事情的改变. Things will constantly change at home and in your school life. Take this as an opportunity to continue to grow! 
  • Don't let stress get the best of you. 压力 can be a major factor in many students' mental health concerns. Remember to take a break and set time aside to relax. 
  • Accept that you don't have to please everyone. There is no way to make everyone happy all of the time. Focus on making yourself happy! 
  • Get involved on campus or in the community. Joining clubs or volunteering can give you a sense of satisfaction, 帮助你认识新朋友, and keep you from feeling lonely or isolated. 
  • 设定目标. 如果你给自己设定目标,你会更有动力、更积极. 


Students can start to feel run down with so much going on. Follow these tips to help you beat the stress. 
  • 建立例行公事. If you get yourself in the habit of studying, 工作ing out, sleeping, etc. 这样会更容易管理你的时间,让你感觉压力更小. 
  • 限制工作时间. 你不能一直工作. Fun and relaxation have to be part of your routine as well. 
  • 让自己休息一下. If you have been 工作ing steadily for hours, give your eyes and mind a chance for a rest by taking a break. You will come back feeling more refreshed, recharged, and focused. 
  • 是现实的. 有时候,你根本不可能在一天内完成所有你想完成的事情. 对你的目标要现实一点,要明白如果你只能做到这么多也没关系. 
  • 你不可能什么都做. While you might want to go to class, 工作, 加入俱乐部, 参加体育运动, and participate in other social activities, 现实是,你迟早会因为想做太多而筋疲力尽. 把精力集中在你真正喜欢或热爱的事情上,忘掉其他的事情! 
  • 如果需要的话减少. There is no shame in recognizing that you have too much on your plate. 减少工作时间, 放弃一门课或减少一些课外活动,使你的日程安排更容易管理. 
  • 用爱好来放松. 无论你是喜欢和朋友在电子游戏中画画还是消灭僵尸, 为自己喜欢的事情腾出时间是防止自己压力过大或不堪重负的重要组成部分. 
  • Learn time management skills/给 yourself plenty of time. 时间管理技能会让从完成任务到管理工作的一切都变得容易得多. 人们很容易把开始一个大项目或准备考试推迟到最后一刻. 但是,越早开始,你的压力就会越小,而且会为自己取得更好的成绩做好准备! 参观学习中心 & 辅导中心的学术帮助或会见学生健康学习个性化的时间管理技巧. 


大学生 aren't known for having the best sleep patterns, but getting sleep is an integral part of staying healthy. Check out these tips to help your rest time.

  • Understand that lack of sleep can have a BIG impact. Lack of sleep doesn't just make you cranky. 它也可以在注意力集中和你在课堂或工作中表现出色的能力方面发挥作用. 长期睡眠不足会导致一系列严重的医疗问题. 
  • Get a full night's rest whenever possible. Adults need an average of 7-9 hours of sleep each night. 虽然这可能不是每天晚上都能做到的,但如果可以的话,尽量睡个完整的晚上. 
  • 制定一个就寝时间表. 养成习惯会让你的大脑和身体知道睡觉时间到了,并激活“睡眠模式”.“这需要几周的练习,但这将有助于入睡. 
  • 不要在床上工作. 在床上工作会让入睡和完成任务变得更加困难. Keep your sleep space separate from your 工作 space.
  • 保持房间黑暗和安静. Try to keep your room as dark, quiet, and cool as possible. 这将有助于告诉你的身体,是时候睡觉了,帮助你入睡. Some people find it helpful to run a fan or use white noise apps or machines. 
  • 避免夜猫子. 许多大学生认为他们需要熬夜学习或填鸭式作业, but you are doing yourself a disservice. Not getting enough sleep can impair your ability to do well, regardless of how much you studied or prepared. So, make sure to get a full night of rest before a big exam. 
  • 小睡的艺术. 如果你有时间,打个小盹对你的精力和注意力水平都有奇效. 只是要确保午睡时间不要太接近就寝时间或太长(通常不超过45分钟)。. 

锻炼 & 营养 

在你繁忙的日程安排中安排运动和健康的选择并不总是一件容易的事情. Follow these tips to help keep your body fueled and moving.
  • 先伸. Help yourself avoid injuries by stretching before and after you exercise. 简单的拉伸也是一个很好的运动来源,可以帮助你保持活跃和无痛. 
  • Get 30 minutes of movement each day. You don't have to join a sport or a gym to be physically active each day. Take advantage of open spaces inside and outside of your OPE电子竞技官网 campus. Try going for a walk, riding a bike, yoga or a fun game with a friend. 活动身体有助于许多健康问题,但也减少压力和焦虑. 
  • Incorporate different kinds of exercise into your routine. When you do actively 工作out, don't just stick to one kind of 工作out. Incorporate strength training, 有氧运动, and stretching exercises to make your routine more well-rounded. 
  • 让它变得有趣. 带上一个朋友,因为你会更有动力,也会让锻炼更有趣. Getting in movement should not feel like torture. 
  • 学习适当的食物份量. 为了避免吃太多,即使是最健康的食物,记录你吃了多少. 试着访问: “我的餐盘”.政府 了解更多! 
  • 不要不吃饭. As college students your schedule can be very busy. It is important to make sure to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Meal prep or plan out foods that you can grab/eat on the go when needed. 
  • Don't fight stress with eating. 当你对学校感到压力大的时候,你很容易想吃一袋薯片或饼干, 工作还是生活. Keep healthier snacks around when you cannot fight the urge. 最后,吃东西并不能让压力消失——试着休息一下. 
  • 喝水. 喝足够的水可以帮助提高你的注意力,并防止你暴饮暴食. 确保身体水分充足,养成随身携带水瓶的习惯. 
  • 限制垃圾食品. 垃圾食品又快又容易. 许多大学生因为赶着去上课或上班而吃了很多. While a little fast food now and then won't hurt you, it is important to make sure it doesn't become a habit. 
  • 得到帮助 for eating disorders. Many college students struggle with negative body image and eating disorders. 如果你担心你或你认识的人正在与饮食失调作斗争, 不要害怕联系你信任的人或者世纪挑战集团的辩护顾问. 


  • Always make sure to wash your hands. Washing your hands can help prevent a large number of illnesses. If you are sick, do not go to class! Email your instructors that you are ill and stay home. 
  • Be responsible of your sexual health. 确保安全探索. Remember to get tested regularly and always use protection. 记住每次进行性行为都要征得你的伴侣的同意. 
  • 不要酒后驾车. If you drink, make sure you do not get behind the wheel. Order an Uber/Lyft or have a sober friend drive you home instead. 
  • 维护自己. 不要让任何人替你做你觉得不舒服的健康决定. If you don't want to eat that donut or have that drink, then don't. Welcome to college: You are in charge now!
  • 得到帮助. 如果你感到不知所措,可以向朋友或OPE电子竞技官网的教职员工寻求帮助. 
  • Take advantage of OPE电子竞技官网 resources. OPE电子竞技官网有许多资源可供当前注册的学生完全免费使用. 一些例子包括:学生健康,倡导顾问,残疾支持服务,学习 & 辅导中心s, and Veteran Services.